Thursday, August 03, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jenny!

On a Thursday, August 3, twenty-eight years ago, my identity changed forever! My heart has never been the same. I became a mother! I LOVE being a mother! I LOVE being Jenny's mother! She has been a joy and a blessing! I treasured her every move from the beginning. She had the sweetest, softest little cry but, boy, could it make us jump!
Some sweet memories:
1. She loved for us to read her books!
2. She loved her B and Papa!
3. She loved to wait up for her daddy when he worked late.
4. She was a fabulous snuggler.
5. She loved to work 100 piece puzzles.
6. She became a gifted reader.
7. She didn't enjoy her brother's baseball games but endured them anyway.
8. She collected Sweet Valley Twins, and later ... High.
9. She played Barbies constantly.
10. She nurtured her brothers sweetly.
11. She protected them fiercely (can you picture it???)
12. She was the 'queen' of a little league baseball team and looked beautiful on the float.
13. She tried to convince us there was a mouse under her bed - we didn't believe her - but later, when we moved - there was evidence little Jenny was right!
14. She dropped a ring down the sink - I became an immediate plumber to rescue it!
15. She played a great french horn.
16. She looked so cute marching at halftime - we were so proud!
17. She has always had a gifted singing voice - could melt her daddy's heart!
18. She fell in love with David Bizaillion - a blessing for us all!
19. She was a blast to plan a wedding with - I honestly don't remember one fuss! We had a ball!
20. She was a gorgeous bride!!!!!!
21. She has helped me move more times than is fair - thanks so much!!! You are the best packer! You know what I need before I do!
22. She is my favorite shopping buddy!
24. She has been a great - gifted - nurturing mother to our precious Malaya.
25. She was a great MOPS leader!
26. She is a teacher's dream for a room mom!
27. She is so beautiful singing on stage with KidStand!
28. She is a blessing to so many people! A blessing from the Lord to share His Light and Love!
Thanks, Jenny, for allowing Him to use you and draw others closer to Himself through your example of love and faithfulness.
I love you, my firstborn!