Friday, April 14, 2006

'Good' Friday

Several years ago, through the encouragement of one of my children, I began to pay attention to what is called 'Holy Week'. I grew up thinking that Easter was about the bunny and eggs and a new dress and, finally, the day I could begin to wear white (until after Labor Day, of course). These are the traditions I passed on to my children - but through them I have learned that Resurrection Day is so much more. You see, this IS Passover week. This is the week that, so many years ago, Jesus went to the cross as our one and only Perfect Sacrificial Lamb. This is the day - oh, my, why do we call it 'Good'????? It is heartbreaking story to read through in the Word. To see Jesus tortured, to hear the screams and moans, to see the loneliness and despair in the eyes of the ones who loved Him. Mary...doesn't your heart just bleed for her?? To witness her God-child... I wonder if she remembered Simeon's words as he prophesied over her first-born: "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel...And a sword will pierce your own soul too."
This is the day that Jesus, for the first time ever and the only time ever!, spent time isolated from God! - He was ALONE on that cross - alone with all our sin!!! I hate that picture. I hate it because I picture Satan laughing! What a grotesque scene!
This is a heavy scene - a heavy day! But Sunday, sweet Sunday is coming! The silence of death is broken through the empty tomb!
This year, with my granddaughter, we will still do eggs and the bunny and a new dress and white shoes -- but we will also relish in the thought of our freedom, of our salvation because God chose, on a Friday long ago to conquer sin - once and for all - through His Perfect Sacrificial Lamb, His Son, Jesus!


jenny biz said...

Scenes from The Passion have been playing in my head all day. It is an amazing love that He has for us!

Rick Ross said...

You have a way of getting to the passion behind the story. Great blog!

Amy C said...

It is touching that God loves us so much that he would endure that kind of pain. Praise God!

Liz Moore said...

I've been a little behind lately and just had a chance to read your latest blog. I too grew up with Easter the same as you did. And although we still celebrate those things in our family as well, I am so thankful for the maturing in Christ we celebrate as we focus on the real meaning of Easter. To realize the harsh realities of what Christ endured for us. And us so undeserving. The thought of Satan laughing is one of those thoughts that literally makes my skin crawl and makes me cringe. I agree what a grotesque picture. I am so thankful for God and His great wisdom to know just what to do to remove Satan's laughter forever!