Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A Gift!

I started out for work this morning after listening to the weather report but didn't get far into my trip. A few - a very few - miles out of town it started to sprinkle a little - not a big deal - turn on the old reliable wipers - but they were not working right. Aren't they made to take ice off too?!?!?! The 'rain' was freezing! A rare sight for this little Texas girl. I pulled over for a minute to let my defroster do its thing. But the second time it happened I decided to head for the warmth of my home. My heart began to race - I am soooo excited. I few phone calls with clients to cancel our appointments - then - let the fun begin! I can undo the last of the boxes today! I am cooking for the second time in my new house! Chili, of course. (Yes, I know I have lived here over a month - but...)
Today, I want to have some time catch up but I also want to spend some time with my 'honey'! When I walked in the door last Thursday night from a late night in the office - about 10 - Rick was sitting in his chair watching tv, looking very sad. I kissed him and went to get my supper - I realized he had eaten 1/2 of his supper, waiting for me to finish. He said, "You know, we bought this house so we could enjoy it together. Instead, I am enjoying it all alone."
I realized right then that I have been working way too many late nights. I have been way too busy! It hit me like a ton of bricks. I spend a lot of time in my life helping people understand how to nurture their marriage relationships. I refuse to neglect mine! This was such a wake up call for me!
I am grateful for the gift of today that I can spend time with Rick. I love you, honey, and want to be a very present wife! It really is the desire of my heart.! I love you!


jenny biz said...

I am so glad that you have a day off. Yor can't go anywhere. You are stuck:) Have a fun day in your home and with "your honey", my dad:)

Rick Ross said...

YOU are the most incredible woman! I treasure our time together. I am so blessed!

Jeff said...

I do enjoy the "snowed in" days when I'm at home. It's usually a peaceful time where I can catch up on stuff or just rest (which I need a lot of catching up on).