Friday, September 01, 2006

Favorite Things of Summer 2006

September 1 - Summer is (to borrow the words of Malaya) "done, done, done, done, done, done, done!"
It has been a total blast! My first official summer in Decatur has been rich in God's blessings! His handiwork surrounds me! I don't want to forget them so I am making a list of the best:
(these are not in order of importance but in order of happening)
*planting a flower bed out the back door (with a fountain and a bird feeder)
*opening of Wise County Christian Counseling, a ministry of the Tommy Maddox Foundation
*Jedidiah David Ross was born!
*watching Bammel Road be such a supportive church family for Jonathan and Jennifer
*finding out the trip to Houston is really not that long!
*having Malaya over to spend the night and play
*going to Southern Hills for Jed's baby blessing, worshipping with Jonathan leading, staying with the Wares
*watching Jed smile
*Josh preaching on a Wed. night in Decatur
*Rick preaching on a Wed. night in Crockett
*going to hear Jeremy Camp and Stephen Curtis Chapman in concert at Six Flags
*speaking at ACU - traveling with and sharing a room with my friend, Vicki; seeing lots of old
friends and making new ones
*spending a very relaxing evening at Joe T. Garcia's with Jenny, David and Malaya
*staying with Josh and Kayci; hearing Josh preach; watching their new church love them
* taking Malaya to the circus
*getting Malaya's picture made at the McHale's
*going to Boston (and surrounding areas) with Rick
*celebrating our 30th anniversary
*watching Jed grow and learn to roll over and echo 'ooohhhhh'
*watching Jonathan and Jennifer parent so easily
*Malaya starting first grade
*watching my car roll over to 100,000+ miles
*nurturing our yard wth Rick - buying some of my favorite plants to add color
*reading Luke over and over again and learning more about Jesus every time!
*getting ready for Fall

Isn't that just like God? Never leaves His people without something to look forward to!! I just LOVE that about Him!!!!!


jenny biz said...

What a great summer!! Lot's of fun things for our family! I am really looking forward to this fall too!

Liz Moore said...

Your summer sounds awesome!! I am so happy for you. The Beth Moore study we did "Jesus The One and Only" on the book of Luke, is still one of my favorite studies. I just blogged today and this was the study I referred to. I just pulled out my book from that study and thumbed quickly through it. I had a prayer request page still in there and your prayer request that week was for your new career, good habits and focus. Obviously God has worked all of those things out marvelously in your life. I think I need to go and camp out again in Luke. You are and have always been a blessing to me. I truly believe God sent you and your words about Luke to me today! I love you!

Amy C said...

That sounds great! I am getting the gardening itch just reading your blog. I love that too. There is also nothing better than loving on sweet babies.

Rick Ross said...

I am so glad that I got to share so much of the things you mentioned with you. Special memories!