Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Shack

The Shack is a must-read! I found it super challenging and am writing this post so I can begin - only begin - to sort through some thoughts as I wrestle with them. At the same time, I am experiencing a loss for words (that's when I know I am really wrestling!)
The forgiveness element of this book is what has me gripped. Those of you who hear my soapboxes from time to time know that I believe that bitterness (the lack of forgiveness) continues to hold God's chosen in shackles although He has released us. We continue to dance in pain even after the Lord has called us to dance in freedom.

Here are two quotes that are stewing in my head:
Jesus talking to Mack (page 148 and 149):
"But your independence with its quest for power and fulfillment actually destroys the relationship your heart longs for."
"Apart from my life inside of you, you can't submit to (your wife), or your children, or anyone else in you life, including Papa (God)."
God, to Mack, about forgiveness (page 189):
"People are tenacious when it comes to the treasure of their imaginary independence. They hoard and hold their sickness with a firm grip. They find their identity and worth in their brokenness and guard it with every ounce of strength they have. No wonder grace has such little attraction. In that sense you have tried to lock the door of your heart from the inside. ... There are many folks like you, Mackenzie, who end up locking themselves into a very small place with a monster that will ultimately betray them, that will not fill or deliver what they thought it would. Imprisoned with such a terror, they once again have the opportunity to return to me. The very treasure they trusted in will become their undoing."

Isn't that just like Satan to convince us that we are taking care of ourselves, protecting our own hearts, when really all we are doing is refusing the only true healing. I want to be willing to do the work myself and to encourage other people in this journey of life to step into the freedom of forgiveness - whether is sometime done to us or something we have done. May we recognize His covering of grace and mercy and wear it well!


Lynn Leaming said...

We were blessed to worship at Richland Hills this morning and heard Jonathan Stormant speak on Good vs. Evil and he said that forgiveness is where we particpate most with Christ in the world. Since I had to forgive my birth father to get on with God's work in my own life, I really related to that particular scene with Mack and his father. Glad you enjoyed the book too.

Rick Ross said...

I loved the way it portrayed the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as longing to be close to Mack, and continually assuring him that they are -- even when he doesn't feel like it.

Amber Smith said...


Would you mind sending me your e-mail address?


Arlene Kasselman said...

Beverly, dont you love the quote on page 197 that starts, "paradigms power perceptions....." what an incredible read.